Notation based on the Special Trade Law
seller | San Inc |
CEO | 寺本瑞穂 |
Contact information |
![]() ※ Our phone number will be notified by e-mail without delay based on the customer's request. If you need our phone number, please contact us from the above e-mail address. |
Street address | 和歌山県日高郡日高町原谷521-1 |
SaleURL | |
Payment method | Credit card (PayPal) |
Selling price |
Basic plan 980 yen per month Value plan 1980 yen per month Premium plan 2980 yen per month |
Charges other than registration fee | None |
Product delivery | Provided through license |
Delivery time of goods | Payment will be made at the time of application, and the service will start after completion. After that, it will be delivered regularly. |
Product delivery method | We will send you an individual account and how to use the service to the product purchase email address. |
Sales quantity | There is no limit to the number. |
Minimum usage period (contract period) | There is no minimum usage period (contract period). You can cancel at any time. |
Operating environment | Software operating system Windows MacOS Linux ChromeOS Android iOS |
Receipt | Please use the "Credit Card Statement" as receipt. |
Refundability | We cannot refund in any case except for erroneous payment or incorrect payment due to procedure time lag. Refund: Due to the nature of the product, we cannot accept refunds or cancellations. |
About premature cancellation | Even if you cancel in the middle of the month, you will be charged for one month and no refunds will be made, including refunds due to daily settlement. |
Notes on expressions and products | Information contained on the website is at the time of publication and may differ from the current product. |
Disclaimer | We assume no responsibility for any damage caused by using this product. |
Support | (1) We will provide necessary support via email. However, we will not reply to inquiries that are not directly related to the Service. (2) Support is provided to the customer as advice only, and does not guarantee the solution of the inquired question, the fulfillment of the customer's specific purpose, or insure restoration. (3) The information exchanged between the customer and the Company in regard to inquiries and providing support, together with the technology and knowledge related information, may not be reproduced, sold, published, disclosed, or used for other commercial purposes. |