What is the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK? A detailed explanation of its features and commercial use

Aug. 15, 2024

What is the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK? A detailed explanation of its features and commercial use

What kind of software is the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK?

VOICEPEAK is a voice synthesis software developed by AHS Co., Ltd.

It can synthesize and read text in a wide range of voices, from narrator voices ideal for business use to character voices with attractive illustrations.

Of course, VOICEPEAK can also be used for commercial purposes .

However, the terms of use vary depending on the voice and character , so it can be a little confusing.

In this article, we will explain in detail about the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK, including points to consider when using it for commercial purposes .

If you're thinking about using VOICEPEAK or are looking for a way to have text read aloud, why not use this article as a reference to find the perfect voice and reading method for you?

Recommended text reading services

There are recommended services such as VOICEPEAK that can read text aloud using the latest AI .

That's "Ondoku" .


"Ondoku" is a free text-to-speech service.

You can have up to 1,000 characters read aloud for free without registering or logging in, or up to 5,000 characters if you register your email address !

What's more, it's free and can be used for commercial purposes!

Why not try using "Ondoku" to synthesize easy-to-listen-to, realistic voice using the latest AI for free ?

What is the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK?

What kind of software is the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK?

First, let me explain the features and functions.

AI-based voice synthesis software

Voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK

VOICEPEAK is a paid voice synthesis software that uses the latest AI.

The product is developed by AHS Co., Ltd.

To synthesize the voice, we use "Syllaflow," an AI voice synthesis engine developed by Dreamtonics Inc., a Tokyo-based company.

The AI voice synthesis engine "Syllaflow" is capable of producing speech so realistic that it is indistinguishable from a human, and can also express emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, and happiness .

Paid software, so you need to purchase it

The voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK is paid software .

Both packaged and downloadable versions are available for purchase.

The packaged version is available at electronics retailers and PC shops.

The download version can be purchased from the official website of AHS Corporation or from online shopping sites such as Amazon.

Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux

Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux

The voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux .

Licenses sold as packages or downloads can be used on any OS.

One license can be used on one PC, but you can transfer it to another PC by "deactivating" it .

For example, you can deactivate a license used on Windows and use it on another Mac or Linux.

Since there are few voice synthesis software that are compatible with Linux, this is also recommended for Linux users .

Types of voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK

One of the features of the speech synthesis software VOICEPEAK is that it can read aloud in a variety of voices .

VOICEPEAK has three main types of voices.

  • Commercially available Narrator Series
  • Character Series
  • Series developed by companies other than AHS Co., Ltd.

We offer a wide range of voices, from narration voices to character voices.

*Information as of August 2024.

Commercially available Narrator Series

Commercially available Narrator

The "Commercially Available Narrator Series" is a voice synthesis software targeted for use in business and education.

As the name suggests, all voices can be used commercially .

  • VOICEPEAK Commercially Available 6 Narrator Set
  • VOICEPEAK Commercially available narrator (additional voice)

There are two types available:

The basic "VOICEPEAK Commercially Available 6 Narrator Set" includes 3 female voices, 3 male voices, and 1 girl's voice.

The additional voice "VOICEPEAK Commercially Available Narrator" comes with 3 female voices, 4 male voices, and 1 boy's voice.

Since there is no specific character illustration assigned to each voice, they are ideal for business use such as video narration and in-store announcements.

Character Series

Character Series

The "Character Series" is a voice synthesis software in which each voice is assigned to an attractive character.

In addition to AHS Co., Ltd.'s original characters, characters developed using other voice synthesis software , such as "VOICEROID , " "CeVIO ," and "Tohoku Project," have also been commercialized.

Expanded characters

  • Oedo Chanko (comes with Zundamon)
  • Mizunase Kou
  • Minase Rito
  • Miyamai Mocha
  • Maki Tsurumaki
  • Tohoku Itako (included with Zundamon)
  • Kyomachi Seika
  • Sakurano Sora (includes Poron-chan)
  • Koharu Rikka
  • Tohoku Kiritan (comes with Zundamon)
  • Jashin-chan (no free-momen included)
  • Ayasumi Shuo
  • Ayase Ririsu
  • Tohoku Zunko (Zundamon included)
  • Free Momen (single version)

*In the order listed on the product page, as of August 2024

Bonus characters included

A nice thing about VOICEPEAK's "Character Series" is that each voice synthesis software package comes with bonus voices .

Each product comes with a bonus male voice character called "Furimomen" (except for Jashin-chan).

"Free Momen" is included

*Furimomen can also be purchased separately. The bonus voice is not included with the Furimomen (single version).

*Only "Jashin-chan" is included; free members are not included.

In addition, each character of the Tohoku Project

  • Tohoku Zunko
  • Tohoku Kiritan
  • Tohoku Itako
  • Oedo Chanko

As a bonus, it comes with a voice recording of "Zundamon."

Includes the voice of "Zundamon"

In addition, Sakurano Sora also comes with the voice of "Poron-chan."

"Poron-chan" voice is also included

  • Tohoku Project characters
  • Sakurano Sora

By purchasing this, you can get a total of three voices at once: the main character, a bonus character, and a free character .

Be aware of licenses when using for commercial purposes

One thing to note about the character series is that the licenses for commercial use vary greatly for each character .


  • Personal Commercial License
  • Corporate License

By purchasing the character, you can use it commercially, but there are some characters that cannot be used commercially .

In addition, individuals and doujin groups do not need to purchase a commercial license if they distribute works for non-profit purposes, either free of charge or for a fee .

  • Affiliate Use
  • Use as a voice for your own character

There are also some uses that are prohibited for certain characters under the Terms of Use , such as:

It is recommended that you check the terms of use for the character you want to use in advance.

Series developed by companies other than AHS Co., Ltd.

Otomachi Una

Musical Isotopes Project

In addition to the "Commercially Available Narrator Series" and "Character Series," there are also voice synthesis software developed by other companies that use VOICEPEAK's AI engine .

As of August 2024, the following voice synthesis software is available:

  • Otomachi Una: Sold by Internet Co., Ltd.
  • Seikai (Musical Isotope Project): Sold by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO
  • Foxko (Musical Isotope Project): Sold by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO
  • Uramei (Musical Isotope Project): Sold by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO
  • HAMITSUBAKI (Musical Isotope Project): Sold by KAMITSUBAKI STUDIO

Licenses for commercial and non-commercial use are listed on the distributor's website, not on AHS Inc.'s website.

VOICEPEAK Otomachi Una

Musical Isotopes Project

Recommended reading methods for those looking for text-to-speech software

For those looking for speech synthesis software like VOICEPEAK, we have a recommended reading method .

This is "Ondoku," an AI voice synthesis web app.


"Ondoku" is a free voice synthesis service.

Since it is a web app that can be used from a browser, you can easily read it out loud from any environment, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and smartphones .

It's free and you can use 17 voices!

There are 17 voices available for reading Japanese in "Ondoku."

17 types of voices

We have a wide range of voices to suit a variety of situations, from business use to hobby use, including male, female, and child voices.

What's more, conversation reading using multiple voices is also available free of charge.

Conversation reading

Easily synthesize video narration and in-store announcements using realistic, easy-to-listen voices.

Supports English and other foreign languages

Paid voice synthesis software, including VOICEPEAK, generally only supports Japanese.

On the other hand, Ondoku supports a total of 48 languages, including Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese !

Foreign language support

Of course, foreign language reading is also available free of charge .

It can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as creating foreign language announcements for stores and facilities, or adding foreign language narration to videos.

Commercial use allowed

One thing to consider when choosing speech synthesis software is the license for commercial use.

Commercially available speech synthesis software can be expensive, and you may need to purchase a separate license for commercial use.

You don't have to worry about that with Ondoku.

"Ondoku" is OK for commercial use , so individuals and corporations can safely use the audio for business purposes.

*Credit notation is required for free use. Credit notation is not required for paid plans. For details, please see here.

Why not try reading aloud for free with "Ondoku"?

What's more, "Ondoku" can be read aloud for free !


  • No registration: up to 1,000 characters
  • With registration: up to 5,000 characters

You can have so many texts read aloud for free!

If you are looking for voice synthesis software, why not try the free version of "Ondoku" first?

Which voices on VOICEPEAK can be used commercially and which cannot?

Finally, for those who wish to commercially use the voices read by the speech synthesis software VOICEPEAK, we have summarized whether or not they can be used commercially.

VOICEPEAK Commercially Available 6 Narrator Set Can be used as a single product
VOICEPEAK Commercially Available Narrator Can be used as a single product
Oedo Chanko Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Mizunase Kou Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Minase Rito Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Miyamai Mocha Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Maki Tsurumaki Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Tohoku Itako Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Kyomachi Seika Not for commercial use Not for non-commercial use or announcements
Sakurano Sora Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Not available for affiliate use Not available for voice of original characters
Koharu Rikka Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Not available for affiliates
Tohoku Kiritan Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Evil God Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Ayasumi Shuo Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Ayase Ririsu Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Tohoku Zunko Not for commercial use Not for non-commercial use or announcements
Free Momen Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Zundamon Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Poron-chan Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Otomachi Una Personal commercial license or corporate license required
Starry Fox, Secret Life, Uruuri (Musical Isotope Project) No commercial license required Use within guidelines

Common Prohibited Activities

When using any of the characters in the voice synthesis software VOICEPEAK, the following actions are prohibited in general:

  • Distribution and sale of audio material such as dialogue collections
  • Use in dubbing other copyrighted works
  • Providing only audio data to a third party as a deliverable
  • Use in obscene expressions or works
  • Use by politicians, political parties, or political organizations against themselves or their factions
  • Any acts that promote or defame a specific politician, political party, faction, or political organization
  • Displaying the names of voice actors who were the source of VOICEPEAK's audio materials

*For more details, please also see the license explanation on VOICEPEAK's official website.

*Separate guidelines have been established for Seikai, Kitsuneko, Uramei, and Uruui by the Musical Isotope Project .

Also, please note that if you use character illustrations, you will also need to follow the character terms of use .

■ AI voice synthesis software "Ondoku"

"Ondoku" is an online text-to-speech tool that can be used with no initial costs.

  • Supports approximately 50 languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German
  • Available from both PC and smartphone
  • Suitable for business, education, entertainment, etc.
  • No installation required, can be used immediately from your browser
  • Supports reading from images

To use it, simply enter text or upload a file on the site. A natural-sounding audio file will be generated within seconds. You can use voice synthesis up to 5,000 characters for free, so please give it a try.

Text-to-speech software "Ondoku" can read out 5000 characters every month with AI voice for free. You can easily download MP3s and commercial use is also possible. If you sign up for free, you can convert up to 5,000 characters per month for free from text to speech. Try Ondoku now.
HP: ondoku3.com
Email: ondoku3.com@gmail.com
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