Sentence reading, Ondoku Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

March 22, 2024

Sentence reading, Ondoku Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


About usage
About audio file downloads
About reading and functions
About payment
About corporate use

About usage

Is Ondoku free to use?
Yes, you can read a certain number of characters each month for free. If you want to read a lot, please consider a paid plan.
How many characters can be used for free on Ondoku?
・Non-members (free): 1000 characters/month ・Free members (light): 5000 characters/month
Where can I check the number of characters that can be read?
Please check your history after logging in.
Where can I check the next renewal date and current plan?
Please check your settings after logging in.
Will the number of unused characters be carried over to the next month?
The number of unused characters will be reset every month and will not be carried over to the next month.
When is the character count updated?
It will be updated on the next update date. The number of characters will be updated sequentially on each update date to avoid putting a load on the server. I cannot tell you the exact time.
If you are a free member, your next renewal date will be 30 days after you register as a member. For paid plans, the next renewal date will be approximately 30 days after the first payment, and the payment and renewal will be done at the same time.
About when the number of characters in Ondoku is updated and how to check the number of remaining characters
Is there anything I need to do when using it for free?
Yes, when using audio data for free, please be sure to provide credit. If you wish to use it for something that cannot be credited (such as an answering machine service), please be sure to subscribe to a paid plan.
How should I write the credits?
Please write in a way that makes it clear that the voice you are using is Ondoku. For more information, please see "How to write credits on Ondoku. Examples and points to note."
Is installation required?
No, installation is not required. It can be used on a web browser, so you can use it anytime and anywhere as long as you have internet access.
Is there an app?
We are currently considering app support. For Android devices, you can use it like an app by "Add to Home". For more information
iPhone: How to easily use it from the home screen like an app on iPhone [No installation required]
Android: Please see "How to install Ondoku [Android device]" .
Can I use it for free or for commercial purposes?
Yes, you can use it for commercial purposes, but there are some ways you can't use it. Also, if you are using the free plan, please be sure to include a credit note. In addition, there are some prohibited acts , regardless of whether they are free or paid, so please check in advance. For more information, please check commercial use and prohibited matters .
If I want to use YouTube, which generates revenue, do I have to subscribe to a paid plan?
No, there is no obligation to subscribe to a paid plan. Decide on a plan based on the number of characters you want to use, regardless of whether you earn or not.
Can one person (one company) own multiple accounts?
Ondoku prohibits having multiple free accounts. If you have a paid account, you can have multiple accounts. Please check this out for details.
I accidentally created multiple free accounts. What should I do?
We will guide you, so please contact us from the inquiry form .
Even though I didn't create multiple free accounts, I was restricted.
We will guide you, so please contact us from the inquiry form .
I registered it as an individual and use it for work. Other employees are also registering and using it individually, but isn't it a big deal?
If you are using it for work or business, please use a corporate account. Even if you are registered as an individual, please use it as a corporation when using it for work. When using it for work, a contract with a corporate account is required.
Is it okay to use it in any way?
No, there are some usage methods that are prohibited, so please be sure to check the prohibited activities in advance. For more information, please check commercial use and prohibited matters .
I can't log in to Ondoku.
Click here to learn what to do if you can't log in.
A reading error occurred and the text cannot be read out. What should I do?
The response will differ depending on how the error occurred. For more information on what to do, please see "If an error occurs in Ondoku but you don't know what to do."
Will the types of voices increase if I subscribe to a paid plan?
No, the number of voice types will not increase.
Please tell me how to purchase a paid plan.
You can purchase from the price page. For more information, please see " How to purchase Ondoku's paid plans (Basic Value, Premium, Business) ".
If I purchase a paid plan, will the number of characters (paid plan) be reflected immediately?
Yes, if you pay by credit or debit card, the payment will be reflected within 1 to 3 minutes after purchase.
If you close the payment screen mid-way or receive a redirect error, the update will not be reflected properly.
If you do not see your plan reflected within a few minutes after purchasing, please contact us. We will respond manually (in that case, we will respond within 24 hours)
I used up all the characters while subscribing to the paid plan. What should I do if I want to purchase additional characters?
Please cancel your current plan and sign up for your desired plan again from the rate plan page.
I would like to cancel the recurring charge for a paid plan.
You can cancel your subscription at any time from the settings page after logging in. After cancellation, you will maintain the contracted plan until the next renewal date. For more information, please see " How to cancel your Ondoku paid plan ."
I would like to cancel my annual paid plan. What should I do?
For bank transfer using invoice: Not automatic renewal. If you do not wish to continue or wish to cancel, you will be automatically transferred to the free plan once the expiration date has ended. Don't worry, there are no special procedures required.
For credit/debit card payments: 1 year periodic payment is automatically renewed. If you do not wish for automatic renewal, please cancel after payment. Even if you cancel your subscription, you can continue to use it until the expiration date.
After canceling the paid plan, can I continue to use the audio as a free member?
It depends on the contract details.
For regular paid plans, even if you create audio data during the paid plan period, you will need to provide credit if you wish to continue using it. If you cannot provide credit, please stop using the audio data. If you can write a credit later, you can continue to use it by doing so.
For business plans , audio data created during the subscription period can be used as is without credit.
I want to cancel my membership, what should I do?
After logging into Ondoku, please cancel your membership by clicking the "Cancel" button on the settings screen. Please note that you will not be able to log in to Ondoku again after canceling your membership. Also, if you cancel your membership, you will not be able to re-register using your current email address.
For more information, click here " How to withdraw from Ondoku and delete your account "

About audio file downloads

Can I specify the format when I download the audio file?
Only MP3 and WAV formats are supported. WAV format can be downloaded from the history.
Can I download by specifying the sampling rate and bitrate?
No, I can not. This can be done using external online tools or software, so please make adjustments there.
We do not provide information on software, etc., so please search on your own.
Please tell me the sampling rate and bit rate.
It depends on the speaker and language. We apologize for the inconvenience, but it is best to download the desired audio and check it yourself.
You can check by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Get Info".
Can I publish, distribute, or sell the audio of text written by someone else?
Any use without the permission of the author is not permitted by law. Please be sure to obtain permission and consent from the author before publishing, distributing, or selling the work.
Can I use the downloaded file freely?
There are some prohibited acts on Ondoku. Please use it in a manner that does not violate prohibited acts .
Downloaded audio files are not playing properly.
Here we will show you how to resolve the issue where the downloaded audio file does not play properly or cannot be downloaded.
My favorite voice that I used to use was gone. Why?
Audio may be deleted from the speech synthesis engine you are using without prior notice. This is a problem that cannot be addressed by our service. The types of audio that have been deleted so far are: - 1 Danish and 1 English (United Kingdom).

About reading and functions

I have set up spam mail settings, so I would like to set up domain-specific reception. What is the domain specification?
Please set [].
I would like to stop receiving the monthly e-mail newsletter, what should I do?
Number of characters Remove ☑ on the update notification settings page and press update. Please note that it is not possible to unsubscribe from emails with important content, such as emails regarding contracts or password change emails.
When I tried to read out a long sentence of about 20,000 characters, an error occurred. Can you read out long texts?
We recommend that the number of characters that can be converted at one time is less than 10,000 characters.
If the number is higher than that, you will not be unable to read out the text, but server errors will more likely occur. When reading a long sentence, divide it into several parts.
I would like to make the spacing between sentences a little longer, how can I do that?
If you want precise control, use SSML (Speech Markup Language). This is how to use the tag.
Click here for instructions on how to use SSML.
How to adjust the distance/blank time
An error occurs when using SSML. what is the reason?
There are various causes. Click here for the main errors and how to avoid them.
Common errors and workarounds when using Speech Markup Language (SSML)
Cannot read aloud. why?
There are various causes of errors.
・It is not plain text (no formatting) ・There is a problem with the usage environment,
・Contains unnecessary symbols,
- Too long text (more than 10,000 characters)
・Contains characters that cannot be read aloud,
- Exceeds 3000 characters when using SSML,
Errors may occur depending on your network environment or the browser you are using. Even if the same sentence is read out loud, it may be possible to read it correctly if you wait a while and read it again.
If you encounter an error with Ondoku and don't know what to do
If I delete my reading history, will the data also be deleted from the server?
Yes, when you delete past readings from your history, the text read from the server and the generated audio data will be deleted. For more information on the history deletion function, please see here .
Can you tell me the storage period for the text read out by Ondoku and the audio data generated?
The retention period and data handling are as follows.
・Non-members: Not saved ・Free members: Saves reading text and audio data for one month from creation ・Paid members: Text and audio data are saved during the membership period ・Business plan members: Saved unless the member deletes the history themselves At the end of each retention period,
- All of the read text, uploaded images, and generated audio data will be deleted from the server.
For more information on the history deletion function, please see here .
How is the number of characters counted? What if it's English?
Each character counts as 1 character. Characters are counted when you press the read button. It doesn't matter whether you download it or not.
If you modify one character in a similar sentence, or change even one setting such as speaker, speed, pitch, etc. in the same sentence, the number of characters will be counted. Please do not count the number of characters when corrected. In English, each letter of the alphabet is counted. For more information, see how to count characters on Ondoku! What about punctuation? English is? What about Chinese? How do you count? Please refer to the.
Please do not count the number of characters when corrected.
Even one character can change the text that is read aloud,
Setting values such as speed and height change even by 1,
Change the reading speaker,
Even if the same text and settings are the same, it may be deleted from the history, or some time has passed since it was read out.
Then, the number of characters is counted. The reason for this specification is explained in [Request response to Ondoku] Please do not count the number of characters when modified.
I don't know because the language I want to read out is not displayed in Japanese. Do you speak Myanmar language? Do you have a list?
Myanmar language is available.
Each language that can be read out is displayed in the local language. Please refer to the article below for the list displayed in your country. 
List of languages that can be read out on Ondoku, list of languages displayed on the website
I would like to read aloud in a foreign language, but an error occurs and I am unable to read aloud correctly.
If you want to read aloud in a foreign language (e.g. Spanish or Vietnamese), be sure to enter the text in the foreign language (e.g. Spanish or Vietnamese).
Ondoku itself does not have a translation function. Even if you input Japanese and read it out using a foreign language voice, it will just sound like that, not the foreign language (e.g. Spanish or Vietnamese).
Please enter the translated text using an external translation service and have it read out loud.
For more information, please see " How to create foreign language audio ."
I can't read the Roman alphabet the way I want. What should I do?
There are three ways to read Romaji correctly.
   1. Use multilingual audio 2. Use Japanese audio 3. Use phonics Check out 3 ways to pronounce ``n'' correctly .
Can the intonation be adjusted?
Due to the characteristics of the speech synthesis engine used, the intonation cannot be adjusted, but it is possible to change the intonation slightly by changing the way it is written.
For more information, please check " Methods to try when you want to adjust intonation/inflection ."
Where can I check the number of characters that can be read?
Please check your history after logging in.
What does "300 images" mean in the price plan?
This refers to the number of images that can be used with the image reading function. The image reading function is a function that reads text from images and reads out the audio. This function is recommended for those who want to read out aloud from an image immediately without the hassle of transcribing it.
For more information on how to use it, please click here: " Image → How to use the text reading function ".
Is there a function to add frequently used speakers and settings to favorites?
Yes, please use "Speaker registration" in the conversation function. When registering a speaker, you can register the language, voice, speed, pitch, and call up immediately.
What is the conversation function?
The conversation function is a function that allows you to create audio that sounds like a conversation between multiple speakers.
This is a very useful function for conversations between two or three people, or for transcribing multiple languages such as Japanese and English at once.
You can check detailed usage and actual audio here.
How to use Ondoku's conversation and interaction features
Where can I make inquiries?
Please check the contact page and contact us. Inquiries can only be made by email.
We respond to inquiries regarding how to use Ondoku services, how to deal with errors and bugs, and opinions.
We will not respond to inquiries that are not directly related to the use of this service.
I requested audio production (convert text to MP3 with specified audio), can you do that?
No, we do not have an audio production service (Convert text to MP3 with specified audio). If you would like such services, please contact the production company or the corporation or individual that receives the outsourced work.
In that case, it falls under the category of outsourcing, so a business plan contract is required.

About payment

What kind of paid plans are available?
・Basic plan (200,000 characters/month): 1,078 yen (tax included) (980 yen)/month ・Value plan (450,000 characters/month): 2,178 yen (tax included) (1,980 yen)/month ・Premium plan (1 million characters/month) : 3278 yen (tax included) (2980 yen)/month ・Business plan (for business)
And so on. Please see pricing plans for details.
Is there a minimum usage period?
There is no minimum usage period (contract period). You can cancel at any time.
Please tell me how to cancel.
You can easily cancel your paid plan by logging into Ondoku, clicking the SettingsCancellation link, and applying for cancellation. You can cancel your subscription yourself at any time 24 hours a day.
This page provides easy-to-understand instructions on how to cancel your subscription with images.
I would like to see a pricing plan based on the number of downloads rather than on each reading.
The speech synthesis engine used in this service incurs a fee each time text is read out loud. Therefore, it is not possible to create a plan that charges a fee for each download.
Please do not count the number of characters when corrected.
What payment methods do you accept?
There are two main types available.
1. Credit card/debit card/Link payment (Stripe)
2. Bank transfer (estimate, invoice, receipt issued)
Bank transfers after issuing estimates and invoices are only available for annual contracts.
What is Stripe?
Stripe is an online payment system used by millions of businesses in over 120 countries around the world, from large corporations such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Spotify to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Since payment information such as card numbers is managed by Stripe, you can pay safely and securely without the service knowing your card information.
What is a business plan?
This plan exempts you from some of the prohibited acts and allows you to incorporate it into products, use it in broadcast media, use it for commissioned work, use it in things you sell, etc.
Click here for details including costs.
I don't know which paid plan is best for me. please tell me.
Text Reading | Here are some points to consider when choosing Ondoku's free plan or paid plan.
I want to change my paid plan. What should I do?
Please cancel your current plan and sign up for your desired plan again from the rate plan page.
My paid plan doesn't automatically renew every 30 days.
If a month has up to 28 days or spans months with 31 days, payments will no longer be made exactly every 30 days. It may be settled on the 29th day or on the 31st day.
The exact next payment date will be stated in the "Subject: Thank you for signing up" email sent from this service when you purchase this service, or in the email from Stripe, so please check there.
If you only want to use it for one month, or if you don't want to renew on the renewal date but want to use it until the last minute, please cancel your subscription as soon as possible. Even after cancellation, you can continue using your current plan until your next renewal date.
What happens to the number of characters available after canceling the paid plan?
The current number of available characters will be retained for approximately 30 days from the last payment. It will then be reset to 5,000 characters.
After canceling the paid plan, I left Ondoku. What if I can no longer log in?
If you cancel your membership, you will not be able to log in to Ondoku again using the canceled account. If you wish to continue using the service, please do not cancel your membership.
My credit card was charged even though I canceled my paid plan. why?
There are two main causes.
1. Duplicate payment 2. If you own multiple accounts and you intended to cancel the account, but it was not an account using a paid plan, so you could not cancel the account (Example: A = free account, B = account with a paid plan. B was canceled. I had intended to withdraw from A)
2 has been occurring frequently recently. To avoid user confusion, we ask that you refrain from having multiple accounts. please note.
What to do if you continue to be billed even after canceling your subscription
Can I receive an estimate/invoice?
We can issue estimates and invoices only if you wish to use bank transfer for an annual contract. Only Japanese is supported.
Users can easily issue estimates and invoices. Please check the article below for details on how to issue a detailed estimate/invoice.
How to issue Ondoku estimates and invoices
I have created multiple invoices. How can I delete it?
Customers cannot delete or cancel invoices. If you have created multiple invoices by mistake, please contact us to request deletion.
Can I get a receipt?
Yes, we have it available. Our method of issuing receipts differs depending on the payment method. Click here for more information on receipts.
I paid by credit card and debit card. Can I get a receipt?
When paying by credit card or debit card,
・Usage details and receipt issued by Ondoku ・The receipt email sent by Stripe at the time of purchase will serve as a receipt. Please check here for more details.
I would like to change the name and address information on the invoices and receipts sent via email for credit and debit card payments.
Due to the specifications of the payment service "Stripe", invoices and receipts sent by email will reflect the information at the time of payment. This information cannot be changed later.
Are you a qualified billing business?
Yes, it is. Please check here for more details.
Notice of eligible invoice issuing business registration number
After canceling the paid plan, can I continue to use the audio as a free member?
It depends on the contract details.
For regular paid plans, even if you create audio data during the paid plan period, you will need to provide credit if you wish to continue using it. If you cannot provide credit, please stop using the audio data. If you can write a credit later, you can continue to use it by doing so.
For business plans , audio data created during the subscription period can be used as is without credit.

About corporate use

Can it be used by corporations?
Yes, you can.
If I use it as a corporation, do I need to register or do anything?
No, it's not necessary. However, if you use it as a corporation, it becomes commercial use.
Please check the guidelines and prohibited acts regarding commercial use , and select the most suitable plan according to your purpose of use.
I would like to know more details. Can I make inquiries by phone or hold a web conference?
I'm sorry. We only accept inquiries by email.
Could you please fill out the security sheet?
Yes. It is possible. There are two ways to fill out the security paperwork.
1. Please refer to the security check sheet that we have completed and fill it out yourself.
2. If we need to confirm or fill in the information, we will do so for a fee.
Please check here for details such as checking completed sheets and fees for paid options.
Could you please fill out the answer on the security document?
This article explains security in detail.
How is Ondoku's security? Answer in detail including server etc.
Could you please send me the documents?
I'm sorry. Not all documents can be sent by mail. Only those who subscribe to a paid plan can fill out some documents by sending them in PDF format. Please note that we may refuse multiple documents or documents that are not compatible. Please note.
Can you provide the logs?
If there is a court order, we will provide the logs.
We do not provide logs in any other way.
Are the usage methods, rules, and fees different for corporations and individuals?
The usage methods, rules, and fees are the same regardless of whether you are a corporation, sole proprietorship, or individual.
What kind of companies are implementing it?
Manufacturers, advertising agencies, web production companies, system development companies, online shop operators, consultants, professionals, housing/real estate, food and beverage related, education, universities, local governments/public organizations, general organizations, etc. It is used by various companies. It has been introduced not only by large organizations with tens of thousands of employees or more, but also by many small and medium-sized businesses.
Can I use it for company and product explanation videos and PowerPoints?
Yes, it is okay. However, if you are using the free plan, please be sure to include credit.
How should I write the credits?
Please write in a way that makes it clear that the voice you are using is Ondoku. For more information, please see "How to write credits on Ondoku. Examples and points to note."
For corporate use, how many people can use one account?
When sharing accounts among employees, you can log in to up to 10 devices in total with one account. You can also log in at the same time.
Can I share my account with group companies and subsidiaries? (Free/Monthly paid corporate account)
No, I can not. Group companies and subsidiaries are separate companies, so you cannot share your company's account. Additionally, sharing personal accounts is prohibited.
Each company should create an account themselves. Corporate accounts can share up to 10 devices per account, including the head office and branch offices. Possession of multiple free accounts is prohibited even if it is a corporate account. You can have multiple paid accounts.
Is it okay for multiple employees to share a company account?
Can I share my account with group companies and subsidiaries? (Business plan)
Yes, you can share. With a business plan, you can share your account to collaborate with group companies and subsidiaries for contracting, outsourcing, and other tasks.
Even with a business plan, you can share up to 10 devices per account.
Is it okay for multiple employees to share a company account?
Can I provide the data I created with Ondoku to group companies and subsidiaries using the free plan or the 980 yen paid plan?
No, I can not. Since group companies and subsidiaries are separate companies, this violates the prohibited act of ``creating and providing audio of content requested by a third party on their behalf.'' Group companies and subsidiaries will need to create their own data, or you will need to sign up for a business plan.
Can I create a free account for each employee or department within a corporation? (Can I have multiple free accounts?)
Ondoku prohibits having multiple free accounts. If you have a paid account, you can have multiple accounts. Please check this out for details.
I accidentally created multiple free accounts. What should I do?
We will guide you, so please contact us from the inquiry form .
Even though I didn't create multiple free accounts, I was restricted.
We will guide you, so please contact us from the inquiry form .
Can I use it for free or for commercial purposes? Is there any difference between a corporation and an individual?
Yes, it is okay. The usage method is the same regardless of whether you are an individual or a corporation. However, if you are using the free plan, please be sure to include credit. In addition, there are some prohibited acts , regardless of whether they are free or paid, so please check in advance.
Which plan is best for you?
Here are some points to consider when choosing the best free plan or paid plan. If you are unsure, please contact us by filling out the " Inquiry about plans and usage " template.
Can it also be used for contract work?
This is not possible with the free plan or regular paid plan. If you have a business plan , you can use it for contract work.
I would like to use the service for only a few months, but can you pay by bank transfer?
I'm sorry. Bank transfer is only available for annual contracts. Please consider using the annual plan.
Can I get a quote?
It is issued only to those who wish to sign an annual contract. Please check this out for details.
Can I get a bill?
It is issued only to those who wish to sign an annual contract. Please check this out for details.
Can I get a receipt?
Yes, we have it available. Our method of issuing receipts differs depending on the payment method. Click here for more information on receipts.
Can I get a statement of delivery?
I'm sorry. A statement of delivery is not issued.
Are you a qualified billing business?
Yes, it is. Please check here for more details.
Notice of eligible invoice issuing business registration number
Do you have an agent?
there is no. This is a direct contract between the user and this service.
Please tell me the operator information.
Information that can be disclosed is posted on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law display page.
Please tell me the website of the company you operate.
Click here for the operating company's homepage. Information that can be disclosed by " Mr. Co., Ltd. " is posted on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act display page. Other information is not disclosed.

■ AI voice synthesis software "Ondoku"

"Ondoku" is an online text-to-speech tool that can be used with no initial costs.

  • Supports approximately 50 languages, including Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German
  • Available from both PC and smartphone
  • Suitable for business, education, entertainment, etc.
  • No installation required, can be used immediately from your browser
  • Supports reading from images

To use it, simply enter text or upload a file on the site. A natural-sounding audio file will be generated within seconds. You can use voice synthesis up to 5,000 characters for free, so please give it a try.

Text-to-speech software "Ondoku" can read out 5000 characters every month with AI voice for free. You can easily download MP3s and commercial use is also possible. If you sign up for free, you can convert up to 5,000 characters per month for free from text to speech. Try Ondoku now.
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